Next Generation Single-Molecule Biophysics


Using next-generation single-molecule fluorescence techniques, we investigate how small regulatory RNA mediates gene silencing (RNA interference) and anti-viral defense (CRISPR immunity and beyond). We develop single-molecule protein sequencing techniques for advanced proteomics analysis. We organized  conferences in 2017, 2019, 2022 .


Severins,  Bastiaanssen, Kim, et al, C. Joo "Single-molecule structural and kinetic studies across sequence space" Science (2024)

Bastiaanssen, Kim et al "RNA-guided RNA silencing by an Asgard archaeal Argonaute" Nature Communications (2024

Filius et al, "Full-length single-molecule protein fingerprinting" Nature Nanotechnology (2024)

Alfaro et al, "The emerging landscape of single-molecule protein sequencing technologies" Nature Methods (2021)

Kim, Loeff et al "Selective loading and processing of prespacers for precise CRISPR adaptation" Nature (2020) (animation)


Oct 2024 Chirlmin gives a talk in Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International Conference

Sep 2024 Sungchul becomes an assistant professor in POSTECH, Korea

Aug 2024 IvoCarolien•Sung Hyun's paper published in Science  (TU Delft, Delta, GenomeWeb, NL, NL, BE, Korea, Ewha)

Jul 2024 Carolien defends her PhD thesis

Jul 2024 BhagyashreeCarlosSung Hyun's paper published in Nano Letters

Jul 2024 Sohyun joins the Ewha lab for her internship project

Jul 2024 KyungLim joins the Ewha lab for her internship project

Jul 2024 CarolienKijun's paper published in Nature Communications

Jun 2024 Convergence consortium paper published in PLoS Climate

Jun 2024 Carolien gives a talk in Physics of Life

May 2024 Mike gives a talk in Norwegian Symposium on Proteomics

May 2024 Ivo defends his PhD thesis

Mar 2024 Carlos becomes Faculty of Impact fellow (NWO)

Feb 2024 Mike•Raman•Carlos's work published in Nature Nanotechnology (TU Delft, delta, genengnews, phys, newbeezer, myscience)

Feb 2024 Marianne joins our lab for her internship project

Feb 2024 Senne joins our lab for his bachelor project

Feb 2024 Carolien gives a talk in BPS Meeting

Jan 2024 We are awarded ERC Proof of Concept (TU Delft)

Jan 2024 Koushik gives a talk in Single-Molecule Biophysics Les Houches

See also news in 2011- 2023